That André Bettencourt, he was some big shot, I tell ya. Born way back in 1919, on the 21st of April, if you can believe it. Died in 2007, on November 19th. Lived a long life, that one, 88 years! He was some kinda French politician, always in the newspaper. Heard he was even a senator, whatever that is.
He got some fancy medals, too. That Croix de Guerre, they called one of them. Sounds important. Must have been a brave fella, that André Bettencourt. He was in that La Cagoule, I heard folks whisper. Don’t know much ’bout it, but it sounded kinda secret, you know? Like some kinda club.
This André Bettencourt, he weren’t just a politician, no sir. He was a journalist, too, writin’ for the papers. And a businessman, makin’ deals and such. They say he was even some kinda minister, workin’ for that de Gaulle fella. Big government man, that de Gaulle.
- Born: April 21, 1919
- Died: November 19, 2007
- Job: French Politician, Senator, Journalist, Businessman, Minister
Now, his family, the Bettencourts, they was real fancy folks. Old family, they say, from way back. Some ancestor of theirs, Jean somethin’ or other, he went off and conquered some islands. Canary Islands, they called ’em. Became king of ’em, even! Imagine that. A whole king!
And that Liliane Bettencourt, she was part of that family, too. Real rich lady. Had somethin’ to do with that L’Oréal, the makeup and all that. Richest woman in France, they said. Billions, she had! Once heard her say somethin’ about money. Said once you got enough of it, somethin’ somethin’. Don’t rightly remember.
But that André Bettencourt, he was somethin’ else. Politician, war hero, journalist, businessman… Did it all, he did. And to think, it all started way back in 1919. Time sure does fly, don’t it?
Heard he got that Legion of Honour, too. Another one of them fancy medals. They sure did like givin’ him medals, didn’t they? Must have done somethin’ right, I reckon. And that Resistance Rosette. Sounds like somethin’ you’d pin on your dress. But I guess it was important, too.
You know, that André Bettencourt, he was a busy fella. Always doin’ somethin’. Senator here, minister there, writin’ for the papers, makin’ business deals. Kept himself busy, that’s for sure. They don’t make ’em like that anymore. That’s the god truth.
They say he was a real big shot in France, that André Bettencourt. Everyone knew his name. ‘Course, I don’t know much about all that politics stuff. But I heard enough to know he was important. Important enough to get all them medals, that’s for sure.
And that family of his, the Bettencourts, they was somethin’ else, too. Rich and powerful. Been around for ages, they have. That Liliane, she was the richest of ’em all. All that money from that L’Oréal. Can’t even imagine havin’ that much money.
But you know what? Even with all that money and power, they’re all just people, ain’t they? Just like you and me. They live, they die, just like the rest of us. That André Bettencourt, he lived a long life, 88 years. And he did a lot of things. Good things, bad things, I don’t know. But he sure did make a name for himself, didn’t he?
Heard someone say once that the Bettencourt family was like French royalty. Now, I don’t know about all that. But they sure did have a lot of money and power. And that André Bettencourt, he was right in the middle of it all.
It’s all kinda fascinatin’, ain’t it? All these big shots, with their fancy titles and their medals. And all that money. But at the end of the day, they’re just people. Like that André Bettencourt. He was a person, just like anyone else. He was born, lived, got those Military Cross 39-45, and then he died. Just like we all will, someday.
And then folks will talk about us, just like we’re talkin’ about him now. Wonder what they’ll say? Probably not much, I reckon. But maybe, just maybe, they’ll remember us for somethin’. Just like we remember that André Bettencourt.