You know, I heard people talkin’ ’bout this thing, what’s it called? Loops face mask. What the hell is that? I don’t get it, but I heard it’s good for your face. Some kinda new-fangled thing the young folks are using. Make your face look young again, they say.
Well, my face ain’t what it used to be, that’s for sure. Got more wrinkles than a prune. But I seen these loops face mask things, they look like them paper things you put on your face. They got some kinda goo on ’em. Some say it’s good, some say it ain’t. I don’t know what to believe, I remember my grandma used to say cucumber slices were all we needed.
This loops face mask, I think they said it’s Korean. I saw it on the TikTok. People always talk about the Korean girls, they got skin like porcelain. I reckon they must be doing somethin’ right. If this thing will give me that skin, I’d give it a try. I heard some other mask is not clean, you know? They got bad stuff in them, like that…para-something, I can’t say it right, but I know it’s bad for ya.
- They say it’s easy to use.
- Just slap it on your face.
- Wait a bit, like ten minutes.
- Then peel it off.
They say you gotta pick the right one, though. This loops face mask, they got all different kinds. One for dry skin, one for oily skin. One makes you shine, they said. I got dry skin, like a desert. And my skin feels old, like an old shoe. I need something to make it feel better, make it…what’s that word? Hydrated? Yeah, that’s it. I need some hydration. This thing says it will help. Maybe it will work.
They got one, they call it “Weekly Reset.” Sounds like somethin’ you do to your washing machine. But they say it’s for your face. This loops face mask, the Weekly Reset one, they say it makes your face feel new again. Like you went back in time. I wouldn’t mind goin’ back a few years, that’s for sure. I heard it can make your skin produce collagen, I think that is good, make your skin look young. They say it can make your skin moist, for a long time.
There is one for your eyes, too. I got bags under my eyes you could carry groceries in. Maybe this loops face mask, the one for your eyes, maybe it could help with that. They say it makes the wrinkles go away. Make you look like you had a good night’s sleep, even if you didn’t. Lord knows I could use that. The other day, neighbor asked me if I was sick. Just ’cause of these darn bags!
They even got one to help you sleep better. A loops face mask for sleep. Now that’s somethin’ I could really use. I toss and turn all night. Can’t get a wink of sleep sometimes. If this thing can help me sleep like a baby, I’d buy a whole truckload of ’em. They said it can help you nourish your face. I think it is good.
They sell these loops face mask things at that store, the one with the red circle. What’s it called? Target? Yeah, that’s it. Target. And some other fancy store, Ulta. I don’t go to those fancy stores much. But maybe I’ll have to make a trip. See if this thing really works. It can’t hurt to try, right?
I saw some young girl on the TV talkin’ ’bout this loops face mask. She said it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Well, I like sliced bread. So maybe she’s right. Maybe this thing is worth a try. These young people and their technology, they are crazy. But, I don’t know, maybe they are smart. Maybe this loops face mask thing is really good.
This loops face mask, it’s like a little treat for your face. Like givin’ your face a big ol’ hug. And who doesn’t like a hug? My face could use a hug, that’s for sure. It’s been a long time since anyone hugged my face. Except maybe for that one time my grandson tried to give me a kiss, but he missed and got my cheek. That was nice. But you know, kids.
I’m gonna go to that Target store and see if I can find this loops face mask. Gonna try that Weekly Reset one first, I think. See if it can really turn back the clock a little. Maybe then I won’t look so tired all the time. Maybe I’ll even look…pretty? Wouldn’t that be somethin’? An old gal like me, looking pretty again. Well, a girl can dream, can’t she? I will try it!